The Perfect Match for Bone Marrow Awareness
Australian Marrow Match (AMM) is a foundation determined to raise awareness for bone marrow/blood stem cell donation. Their mission is to increase the number of donors on the Australian Bone Marrow Registry, particularly the number of young males. This Saturday, the clash between Lauderdale and North Hobart at Skybus Oval will be the first ever Australian Marrow Match Awareness game. This is greatly attributed to the joint work of both the Marrow Match foundation and AMM ambassador Mark Reid. Last year, Reid’s life was saved by a stem cell donation. This week, Reid will speak to both teams, giving insight into his own story and the urgent need for more young men to become bone marrow/blood stem cell donors. The male population make up just 5% of donors, indicating the importance of this message. “The talk tells my story and goes on with the reasons on why to donate stem cells.” Reid’s need for a donation came during the high point of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The need to find...